Issac Thorne

Last Updated February 12, 2022

Curious if it’s safe to take Phenibut and alcohol together? Then you’re in the perfect place.

Here's the deal: because of the way both products work within the nervous system, it’s not a good idea to drink alcohol and take Phenibut at the same time. They can have an “interaction effect” that could exacerbate the effects of both of these substances — which is not what we want.

However, it's not the end of the world.

You can have a couple beers while taking Phenibut.

In this article,  we'll discuss how Phenibut and alcohol interact, what the effects of using them both can be, how to use both safely, and more.

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What is Phenibut?

Phenibut is a supplement that has psychoactive effects. That means that it can affect your cognition and your mood. It is also considered a nootropic [1] because one of its effects is to boost cognition. It’s also a mood booster, which means it makes you feel great.

Phenibut works because it has a chemical shape that is close to GABA [2]. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps inhibit nerve cell firing. That means it helps them relax and recover. Since Phenibut has a similar structure as GABA, it can bind to some of the same receptors and have the same inhibitory effect.

In addition to mimicking GABA, Phenibut also increases dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which is what is responsible for the good feeling and the boosts in mood [3].

Phenibut and alcohol have some similar effects on your body.

Alcohol and Phenibut are very different substances and do not do the same thing… but they do have some similarities.

Alcohol, like Phenibut, is a depressant, meaning that it works to relax and reduce activity in your nervous system [4]. Alcohol works by getting into your brain and binding to glutamate. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that excites nerves and stimulates them to work, but alcohol reduces its function. This slows down the brain.

It especially slows the frontal cortex and motor cortex. At low doses, this is why you lose some of your inhibitions and worries. It’s also why alcohol impairs your judgment and motor skills.

Phenibut is a depressant, but it doesn’t work in the same way as alcohol, so it doesn’t have the exact same effects. It does cause you to become relaxed, but it doesn’t impair your cognitive or motor skills. If anything, it elevates your cognition.

Still, because they are both depressants. If they are taken together, Phenibut and alcohol can work together to really slow down your nervous system and have some negative effects. More on that in a little later on.


Benefits of Phenibut

So why take Phenibut? Why would you want to slow down your nervous system?

Because it makes you feel really great. Phenibut is used in several countries as a prescription anti-anxiolytic. When your brain is running a mile a minute, you can feel anxious and even depressed. You can have trouble sleeping. You can lack creativity.

Phenibut basically relaxes you down so all that goes away. Here are some of the things that scientists have found that Phenibut does:

  • Phenibut reduces anxiety. Several studies have found that it is an effective anxiolytic and mood booster [5, 6]. People report it being especially effective at reducing social anxiety. It can give you a sense of euphoria.
  • Phenibut helps sleep. One of its most common uses is as a sleep aid. Because it helps your brain calm down, Phenibut is often used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders [7, 8, 9].
  • Phenibut improves cognition. Studies have found that it can boost creativity, attention, memory, focus, and even emotional intelligence [1, 5, 10, 11].
  • Phenibut improves energy. Several studies have found that Phenibut is able to boost energy in those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or mental fatigue [12, 13].
  • Pain treatment. Research suggests that Pehnibut can effectively reduce pain in some cases [13].

Basically, all of these effects explain why it is one of the best creative nootropics. It helps you to feel social at parties without drinking, and to help you get a good, restful sleep.

Phenibut Side Effects and Safety

Great, so Phenibut has lots of cool effects. What about safety though? Are there any side effects? What about Phenibut interactions?

Yes, it is safe. We've actually written about its safety a lot: Here's an article on Phenibut side effects and one on Phenibut withdrawal symptoms. So check those out for more depth.

But basically, you do need to be aware of Phenibut side effects. The most common ones (although these still occur only rarely) include [14, 15, 16]:

  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Sedation

It’s also possible to be allergic to Phenibut. If you are, you might notice a rash or itching on your skin after taking it.

The best way to avoid side effects is to not take too much, especially at first. Wait to see how you feel when you use it. Once you know how it affects you, you can increase your dose — read my Phenibut dosage guide for more info on that.

Phenibut Interactions

You should also be aware of Phenibut interactions. This is basically when Phenibut and other substances can interact with each other and have different or more exaggerated effects.

Alcohol is one substance that interacts with Phenibut, and I’ll talk about that much more in the next section. But there are other substances that also interact with Phenibut. These include:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Antipsychotic medications
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Opioids
  • Sedatives or sleeping pills
  • Anti-anxiety medications

Stay away from mixing Phenibut with these substances to ensure you have a safer experience.


Phenibut and Alcohol

Here’s what you came for:

You want to know if you can take Phenibut and alcohol together at that party tonight, right?

Try not to mix Phenibut and alcohol…

Try to stick to either Phenibut or alcohol—not both. All the science that I’ve read on this says that you really should not mix them.

The reason is that they’re both depressants. When you take depressants together, they can have a combined effect and really depress your system. That means that they can result in your body shutting down to a dangerous extent. They can also delay the effects such that they last longer. Or they can even have unpredictable effects.

So in general, if you are looking to stick to what doctors and scientists are saying, then don’t take Phenibut and alcohol together. Be safe.

My own experience

But how dangerous is it to mix alcohol and Phenibut?

Look, I’m not a doctor, so I want to be really careful that nothing here is taken as advice. But here’s what I will say: I’ve been out on Phenibut once or twice and have had a beer or two. I was fine. But I also never had too much or got close drunk.

So, ya, you probably won’t die if you take Phenibut and have a beer or two (but, again, I’m not a doctor). Again, this isn’t advice, but when I am making decisions for myself, I consider up to three beers to be in relatively safe territory. I know my body, I feel experienced, and all that. Between one to three beers is a safe level for me.

Phenibut makes going out sober fun

Honestly though, you really don’t need a beer when you’re out and have taken Phenibut.

In the cases that I’ve had a couple beers out after taking Phenibut, I didn’t really need the beer. I mostly just sipped it because it can be awkward if you’re out at a bar and not have a drink. But the Phenibut by itself was enough.

Phenibut is better than alcohol

In fact, one of the things that I like most about Phenibut is that it can be a great alternative to drinking. These days I really like going out sober with Phenibut. I’m running a small business and want to live my best life. Spending a full day in bed hungover is just not what I want for myself these days.

So not only should you not take alcohol with Phenibut, you also don’t need to take it. Phenibut is better:

  • Phenibut is healthier. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram. A single longneck has about 150 to 200 calories in it [17]. If you’re having three pints, that’s about a thousand calories. Phenibut has way fewer, and since it’s all amino acids, Phenibut is basically just protein.
  • Phenibut is safer. Over 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes each year in the U.S. [18], and the number is about 3.3 million globally [19]. There has never been a reported death from Phenibut [1].
  • Phenibut enhances thinking. Alcohol impairs your cognition (at least temporarily… but it can permanently damage your brain if you are a chronic drinker) [20]. Compare that to Phenibut, which actually boosts cognition [1, 5, 10, 11]
  • Phenibut feels better. Alcohol makes you feel terrible the next day. I can’t count the number of days I’ve laid around in bed wishing my hangover would magically disappear. Phenibut can have some hangover effects for some people, but they’re not as bad as alcohol—and not everyone gets them (I don’t!).

It’s honestly way better than alcohol.

Who can benefit from Phenibut as an Alcohol alternative?

If you’re someone that likes to go out and have a good time, but you’re also ambitious and want to achieve your goals, Phenibut is a great alternative. These kinds of people, in particular, could really benefit from substituting their alcohol for Phenibut:

  • Ambitious people: Look, if you want to climb the corporate ladder or grow your business, you can’t be showing up hungover. That worked when you waited tables, but you can’t do that if you do any thinking at your job. Phenibut gets you the rest you need to perform your best at work.
  • Students: Want good grades? You need to rest well to be able to study, write a good paper, and perform on exam day. Alcohol is why your friends are barely passing. Phenibut will let you have a good time with them but still do well on the test.
  • Body-builders: If you’re watching your diet, booze is bad. Phenbiut can help you get the best of both worlds by giving you a great night out without you losing your shredded look.
  • People on a budget: Unless you’ve built your own still or are making beer in your bathtub, you’re paying a lot for booze. And you’re paying way more if you’re buying it at a bar. Invest in your future: spend much less on Phenibut, and save the rest for school, a new place, or whatever you’re after.
  • People that need to drive home after: Want to go to your friend’s party, but also need to drive home? Phenibut’s got you. It doesn’t impair your judgment or motor skills, so you can drive after. (Although some people do recommend that you don’t operate heavy machinery because it can make you sleepy… so be careful and pull over if you start to feel tired.)
  • People that don’t want to do anything embarrassing: We all have a friend who does some things that they regret after a few drinks. If that’s you, do us all a favor and try Phenibut. You’ll have a good time without starting any drama or vomiting on the floor.

Phenibut helps me continue to go out, see my friends, and have a great time, but I don’t have a headache in the morning and I get a really restful sleep. I also don’t waste all the time I’m putting into the gym now by drinking thousands of calories. And, it’s way cheaper!

Talk about a win-win-win.


Where to Buy Phenibut Online | 2022 Guide

Convinced? Here’s how you can get it.

Phenibut is legal to buy almost everywhere, but it’s difficult to find in person. The best way to get Phenibut is really to buy it online.

There are lots of places selling Phenibut online, but you really have to be careful. Some of them are sketchy.

My favorite and go-to is LiftMode. They have the best product, super reasonable prices (Phenibut is not expensive, so if you see someone selling it for a lot… go somewhere else), and good customer service in case there’s an issue.

They also have certificates of analyses available to prove the quality of their products. That’s important because some places cut their Phenibut with other stuff so it’s not pure. Make sure you buy from someone like LiftMode that demonstrates the purity.

Ready to order Phenibut from the top-rated online vendor?

Alcohol and Phenibut | Verdict

Basically, this article is just a long way of saying that Phenibut and alcohol don’t mix. They are both depressants; taking them together can be really not good for you. Ideally, you should choose one of these only for the night. That way, you’ll avoid any Phenibut interactions and reduce the risk of Phenibut side effects.

And if you’re going to choose one, consider Phenibut. You’ll have a great night, you’ll make friends, and you won’t end up with a hangover that keeps you in bed all day, unable to work.

Trust me, going out sober with Phenibut could be a game-changer for you the same way it was with me. Give it a shot!


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  13. Chutko, L. S., Surushkina, S. I., Nikishena, I. S., Iakovenko, E. A., Anisimova, T. I., Bondarchuk, I. L., & Sergeev, A. V. (2014). Asthenic disorders in children and their differentiated treatment. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni SS Korsakova, 114(12), 99-103.
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